Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Sunday, August 29, 2010

No class on 9/5/2010 -- Labor Day

I found the academic calendar for the QC Weekend College online. It is here.

It is somewhat difficult to read, but if read correctly, it states that this coming Sunday, 9/5, we have off for Labor Day Weekend. The next time we meet is 9/12.

Have a great vacation!

Some reading

What is a computer?

Something that computes.

long term memory: e.g. hard disk
short term memory: RAM

ALU, arithmetic / logic unit
CPU: central processing unit, = ALU + control unit


Joshua Waxman
CS12 -- Understanding Personal Computers
8:30 - 12:00

We will have a website

You can get the books at the QC bookstore
Grauer, Exploring Microsoft Office 2007 (plus, or vol 1)
NOT!!!!! volume 2

OR, these three:
Grauer, Exploring Microsoft Office Excel 2007
Grauer, Exploring Microsoft Office Word 2007
Grauer, Exploring Microsoft Office Access 2007
NOT!!!! volume 2

Word exam -- 15%
Excel exam -- 25%
Access exam -- 25%
lecture midterm, final -- 10%
web project -- 10%
homeworks -- 10%

get the books!
how to get MS Office

Microsoft Office Ultimate Steal

Start / Run / Excel
Start / Run / Winword
Start / Run / Msaccess

Go to Grauer's website and download the files